предыдущего вопроса про шлем Гордона мне захотелось спросить у Марка Лейдлоу, не исключает ли он возможности того, что HUD отображается у Фримана не на визоре шлеме, а прямо на его очках, которые на самом деле имеют беспроводную связь с HEV-костюмом и базовые функции "аугментации реальности", поэтому Лейдлоу был отправлено следующее письмо:
Цитата:Greetings, Mr. Laidlaw.
Thank you for the previous answer.
Seeing how we have figured out that Freeman is in possession of the rare Schroedinger's helmet, we can therefore deduce that the chance of him wearing it is a flat 50%. However, there is an additional factor to it — while equipped with the HEV suit, Gordon will always see the HUD (and it would not show unless the suit is, in fact, equipped). Moreover, at several points during the games, such as when one of the White Forest rebels tells Freeman that the buggy radar had been improved and will send out a signal to the HEV suit, immediately followed by it appearing on the HUD, it is made probable that he does, in fact, see the HUD — and that it is not just a game mechanic like it is in many cases. For reference, the exact words of the rebel are "Plus, it’ll send a homing signal to your HEV suit, in case you get separated from your car."
That would let us deduce that there has to be some sort of device to show Gordon the HUD, or something closely reminiscent of it, in case he is not equipped with the rare Schroedinger's helmet. A possible explanation could be that his glasses are not a common pair of spectacles, but that they are, in fact, a specially enhanced device, connected wirelessly to the HEV suit and capable of basic reality augmentation. In addition, that would explain how they are able to withstand immense strain, not breaking at any point during the series (not even during his time in the Citadel rubble after the end of Half-life 2, or the train crash at the end of Episode One) and not being stained under any circumstances. The question in that case would be whether Black Mesa ever had technology of such a level. What is your opinion on the Facility's scientific reach — is it plausible that, in the vague year of the hypothetical 21st century that Half-Life 1 takes place in (allowing us to draw parallels with our own technology, whether things such as touchpads and highly advanced UIs are common), such a device could have been owned/produced by Black Mesa personnel?
Thanks in advance.
Ответ Марка был достаточно интересен (а также он указал в нём на некоторые научные неточности в отправленном вопросе):
Цитата:I don't believe Schroedinger's equation breaks down to a flat 50% chance. He's both wearing it and not wearing it. That's some patented BMRF technology right there.
However the glasses you describe were readily available at LensCrafters until they were taken off the market 15 years ago for being child unsafe.
Sent from my iPhone
По большей части, Марк, конечно, "полу-шутит", но и "серьёзные" выводы, при желании, тоже можно сделать.
Во-первых, вполне вероятно, что шлем "выдвигается" непосредственно из HEV-костюма, и поэтому Гордон его и носит, и не носит одновременно. И, во-вторых, Лейдлоу, получается, не отрицает возможность наличия у Фримана подобных "супер-очков". (А Гордон Фриман в подобных очках в лично моих глазах становится на 50% круче.
Цитата:Оригинальное сообщение от InterH@lfer
У меня вообще новая версия появилась. Костюм детектирует угрозу, становится горячим (Кляйнер же неспроста, наверное, говорил "Ламар, осторожно, эти лампы очень горячие!"), хэдкраб отступается от башки (без шлема), но успевает цапнуть.
Кстати, довольно интересная идея, спасибо за неё.